Monday, June 30, 2008

Algonquin Park Moose Shoot

I took the long weekend and made an impromtu trip to Algonquin Park for some moose photography! This is my first time going to Algonquin Park to photograph exclusively for moose and I was not disappointed.

The trip started at 1:00AM from my home. I wanted to get to Algonquin before sunrise to stake out a spot and wait for moose to come to me. After stopping at Tim Hortons in Lindsay and Minden (as well as numerous no#1 breaks), I arrive at the park around 4:00AM and quickly paid for my day pass.

The drive through Algonquin in the morning is treacherous and you would be well advised to drive slowly (60km/hr or less) and watch for moose walking the road. After what seemed like hours, I arrive at one of the hiking trails (not telling which one though!) and with my trusty flashlight, set off into the darkness.

About 20 minutes into the hike, I came across a large wetland with lots of lilypads. I set up on the shore and waited. Soon, I saw a large cow moose make its way to the far edge of the wetland and start to chomp on the lilypads. Unfortunately, I couldn't start shooting as it was too dark. Finally, at 6:15AM, I got these beauties out of numerous shots:

After shooting for about an hour, I packed up, trekked out and made my way to Whitney. I checked in at the East Gate motel (very affordable, especially for a photographer on a budget) and promptly went to sleep because I wanted to try my luck in the evening.

No luck!!!! i couldn't leave empty handed, so on the way back to the motel, I tried some velvia-type shots. After all, one can't leave Algonquin, without trying to get artsy with some of the shots!

Woke up at 4:30 next morning and jetted out to another hideaway near the Opeongo River. I spotted a bull moose and set up waiting for the light to arrive. The light came, but the moose was uncooperative so that time came to pack up camp and return to reality.

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Anonymous said...

did you shoot that elk?

Will Pridham said...

Yessiree I did.